Half Moon Pose

This pose has 2 image(s) and 0 video(s)


Left Elbow-Extension, Left Hip-Abduction, Left Knee-Extension, Left Shoulder-Abduction, Neck-Extension, Right Ankle-Dorsiflexion, Right Elbow-Extension, Right Knee-Extension, Right Shoulder-Abduction, Spine-Extension


Alphabet Theme-H, Animal Theme, Arts Theme, Object Theme, Partner Theme, Sports Theme-Dancing, Sports Theme-Fencing, Sports Theme-Golf, Sports Theme-Gymnastics, Sports Theme-Surfing, Story Theme


Standing-Leg balance


This pose improves the sense of balance and full-body coordination. It helps to increase body awareness and the sense of body's position in space. It can also help children to prevent the risk of injury by making them more aware of their own body's position and movements.


Children should avoid this pose if they have any injury in the hips or knees.