Singing Bowl Sound Bath Pranyama Practice
No.of Classes: 1
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55 Minutes |
Beginner |
100-150 |
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A deeply restorative pranayama practice with the healing sounds of the singing bowl.
Pranayama is the ancient practice of controlling the breath - the timing, duration, and frequency of every breath and hold. It works directly with the nervous system, providing stress-relieving and mindfulness benefits.
Use headphones to fully feel the effects of the singing bowl. The vibrations and healing sounds work to remove blockages and emotional tensions.
Pranayama is the ancient practice of controlling the breath - the timing, duration, and frequency of every breath and hold. It works directly with the nervous system, providing stress-relieving and mindfulness benefits.
Use headphones to fully feel the effects of the singing bowl. The vibrations and healing sounds work to remove blockages and emotional tensions.